Nightmare Fuel

an 18+ multifandom dark halloween fanfest
october 24 - 31, 2024

Prompts | Info/FAQ | Mods

Nightmare Fuel

an 18+ multifandom dark halloween fanfest
october 24 - 31, 2024


Sharable post with a nice graphic available on our twitter here.

Day 1, Oct 24✦ Cursed
✦ Creepy Children
✦ Shiver
Day 2, Oct 25✦ Body Horror
✦ Parasites
✦ Teeth
Day 3, Oct 26✦ Possession
✦ Technology gone very wrong
✦ Revenge
Day 4, Oct 27✦ Blood & Gore
✦ Til death do us part
✦ Dream
Day 5, Oct 28✦ Torture
✦ Ritualistic Sacrifice
✦ Chain
Day 6, Oct 29✦ There's something in the water
✦ Serial Killers
✦ Eyes
Day 7, Oct 30✦ Classic Halloween Monsters
✦ Cannibalism
✦ Mirror
Day 8, Oct 31FREE DAY

Prompts are up to your interpretation. Follow them as closely or loosely as you want.

You can mix & match prompts from different days if you'd like.

"Classic Halloween Monsters" refers to the kind of monster you'd stereotypically associate with Halloween, such as (but not limited to) ghosts, mummies, zombies, vampires, werewolves, etc. If you'd like to draw/write about some kind of terrifying cosmic entity, for example, that's amazing and you should totally do it, but we wouldn't suggest tagging it with the "Classic Halloween Monsters" prompt. Also, please note that any kind of monster is welcome on any day of the event.

Nightmare Fuel

an 18+ multifandom dark halloween fanfest
october 24 - 31, 2024


Nightmare Fuel is an 18+ fandom prompt event taking place the week before Halloween, primarily on Twitter. The theme of the event is dark Halloween. To participate, create something using one of the prompts (see here), post on the corresponding day, and we will retweet your post on the event account. Be sure to indicate the prompts you used in your post, as well as use the hashtag #nightmarefuelff2024 and tag the event account @nightmarefuelff.Works can be anything (fic, art, cosplay, figure/plush photography, playlists, crochet, whatever) so long as it's related to a fandom and inspired by one of our prompts. No minimum or maximum requirements — could be a ten word fic or a novel, we don't care! Works can be in any language. NSFW is allowed. All fandoms are welcome. All ships are welcome.You must create the work yourself. Absolutely no AI generated content is allowed.

Do I need to sign up?Nope! Just post & tweet about your work on the corresponding day following the instructions above. You can participate in as many or few days as you'd like.I'm a fic writer. Is there an ao3 collection for the event that I can add my fic to?Yes, there will be! We will create it closer to the event timeframe.I'm a fic writer and I don't have Twitter OR I would prefer to post my fic anonymously. Can I post to the ao3 collection without posting to Twitter?Sure, so long as your work is inspired by one of our prompts! (Please indicate which prompt in your summary or author's notes.) However, we will not promo your work on Twitter.The ao3 collection will not be anonymous, so if you want your work on ao3 to be anonymous you will need to add it to a separate anonymous collection in addition to ours.You say all ships are allowed, but what about [insert ship here]?All ships from all fandoms are allowed. Yes, even that one. That said, please do tag your ships.Romantic/sexual ships are also not required. Gen (platonic / no ship) fanworks are very welcome!Can I create a work with [insert dark / taboo subject matter here]?Yes! In fact, please do! There are no content restrictions for this event. Incest, noncon, death, graphic violence, and whatever other dark or taboo topics you can think of are absolutely allowed. However: be sure to tag your content warnings, use Twitter's sensitive content flags for graphic/disturbing art, and so on. Additionally, avoid using censored tags (e.g. "inc*st" or "inc3st") to ensure people's muted words can function properly. In short: go wild, just tag. That way, we can all continue coexisting peacefully in this fandom space~Do my fanwork(s) have to be horror or dead dove?Horror, spooky subject matter, or at least some references to Halloween are all encouraged, but so long as it uses one of our prompts and you think it fits the vibe of the event (dark Halloween), your work is welcome here!"Dead dove" as a category can be difficult to define. We absolutely encourage you to go for edgy, dark, scary, or disturbing subject matter when creating for this event, but no, you do not have to create something you consider "dead dove." If you think it's "dark Halloween" vibes, then that's all that matters!Can I re-promo old pre-existing works?No, sorry! For this event, we're asking that all works be new. However, we know Halloween can be a busy fan event season, so cross-posting/double-dipping with other events posting at the same time (e.g. posting a fic and tagging it for a different Halloween event AND ours because it fits both events) is fine by us — just make sure it's fine with the other event(s), too.Are late entries allowed?Yes! We'll retweet submissions until Nov 8.

Nightmare Fuel

an 18+ multifandom dark halloween fanfest
october 24 - 31, 2024

LINA (she/her)

main fandoms: Haikyuu, Blue Lock
fave spooky trope: sexy creature seducing me

FISH (she/they)

main fandoms: Haikyuu, Blue Lock
fave spooky trope: cannibalism uwu

Your Nightmare Fuel mods believe that fiction does not have a 1-1 effect on reality, that your tastes in fiction do not indicate anything about your moral character IRL, that you are responsible for using content filtering tools to curate your own online experience, and, lastly, that harassment on the basis of your own personal distaste for someone else's make-believe scenario is an extremely weird thing to do.